Photo by E. Arkin-Shalev
Photo by E. Arkin-Shalev
Photo by E. Arkin-Shalev
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Department Head: Dr. Nimrod Marom

The Department of Maritime Civilizations, academically linked to the Faculty of Humanities, provides students with an exceptional opportunity to explore the history, archaeology and fabric of maritime societies, as well as the natural environment in which they developed and currently exist.

The studies in the Department will focus on a variety of fields pertaining to maritime civilizations and the marine environment, including coastal and underwater archaeology, marine biology and ecology, maritime history, geology and geomorphology.
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Tel: +972-4-8240941/600
Room 282, Multipurpose building

Department of Maritime Civilizations
University of Haifa
199 Aba Khoushy Ave. Mount Carmel
Haifa Israel 3498838